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Giveaway! Saving on Money on Editing & Choosing the Best Editor


I am giving away ten paperback copies of my book Saving Money on Editing & Choosing the Best Editor on Goodreads.

Book Description

The self-publishing industry is booming, and if you’re a self-published author, so is the competition. Having your book professionally edited is an essential step in getting your story to stand out from the crowd. But who knew that editing services were such a pricey proposition?

Janell E. Robisch, a professional editor with over two decades of experience, will show you how to save money on professional editing by

•Having patience
•Using readers
•Using editing tools
•Practicing smart shopping

Finally, in the bonus final chapter, you’ll find out how to choose the best editor for your money.

You’ve worked hard on your book. Make sure that when you hit Publish, it shows.


You can enter the giveaway with the link below. The giveaway ends August 15, 2017, so sign up while you can. Thanks!





Goodreads Book Giveaway

Saving Money on Editing & Choosing the Best Editor by Janell E. Robisch

Saving Money on Editing & Choosing the Best Editor

by Janell E. Robisch

Giveaway ends August 15, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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