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Tag: romance novels

It’s All About That Trope: Secrets of Your Favorite Romance Novel

Dianne Frost at Dianne in Writing was gracious enough to host a post of mine on her blog. Here’s a teaser …

Have you ever been reading a new romance novel and felt something familiar, a bit of déjà vu? The “stage” is different, the “actors” are different, and even the situation is different, but it still feels cozy and intimate, like your best pair of fuzzy slippers.

If this has happened to you, then you might be starting to recognize the tropes in your favorite romance novels.

What Are Tropes?

Tropes are everywhere, not just in romance novels. In writing, they are commonly used themes. They’re recognizable once you’ve read enough books or watched enough TV. Think of the “lovable, overweight cop,” the “suave, seductive vampire,” or the “bullied kid overcomes” plot. As puts it, “For creative writer types, tropes are more about conveying a concept to the audience without needing to spell out all the details.”

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